
Our CMS Team is a force of over 300 passionate and dedicated individuals committed to providing exceptional child care and protection, even in the most challenging circumstances. Our team consists of two types of professionals: pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff, each contributing unique expertise and skills to our mission.

Our pedagogical staff members bring a wealth of knowledge in education, child development, and nurturing young minds. They ensure our children receive the best possible care, support, and opportunities for growth.

Complementing them, our non-pedagogical staff play a crucial role in providing essential support services that keep our organization running smoothly. They bring expertise in various areas, making our operations efficient and effective.

Together, our Team forms a powerful force, united in the vision of transforming the lives of children in need. With unwavering dedication, we work towards creating a safe and nurturing environment where every child can flourish and thrive. Join us in making a difference today!



It is more blessed to give than to receive
